Today the true problem of a real Business Leader is that in spite of:
understanding that business-processes in a Company must be formed up so should be written:
- functions and duty regulations,
- models of the salaries,
- technologies of the work
- and firm’s standards;
seeing the necessity to:
- normalize and calculate labour capacity,
- separate and "correctly" assign the functions,
- stimulate
- and hire personnel NOT "at random",
He does not do it (or does it but partly) since not clear:
- who will do it?
- when be concerned with it?
- how much time will it take?
- what will be afterwards?
- who already did so?
- what to do if "in one place it is applied and in another – "will come out":
And moreover as a rule "there is no time".
So the daydream of the Leader loaded with work is given material form to the following phrase: "Is there already ready-made package – universal and tested business pattern with all these functions, rates, salaries, standards and instructions? Moreover written "nearly under me" and "without water" checked by the specialists?"