Open business techniques
and technologies. triz-ri
- insurance company "Austrumu Allianse" (Riga),
- debt collection company "Creditreform Latvija" (Riga),
- "Latvian business school" (Riga),
- АВ "Lietvos telecomas" (Vilnius),
- financial company "Polis-Invest",
- chain of supermarkets and hypermarkets "Polyplast" (Riga),
- "Krasta-Inters" (Riga),
- Publishing Group "TELENEDELYA" (Ukraine),
- City Development Centre "Grad" (Moscow),
- LLC "Dionis Club" (Moscow),
- SJC "Renaissance Industrial company" (Moscow),
- JSC "Siberian Agrarian Group" (Tomsk),
- LLC "Atoll" (St Petersburg),
- SJC "Fond "Energy-Invest" (Irkutsk),
- NPKC MIZ (Ekaterinburg),
- JSC "Tyumen-bargaining" (Surgut),
- LLC TD "Yuran" (Ekaterinburg),
- non-profit organization "Charity fund "Pochet" (Moscow),
- TPK "Marikomplektservis" (Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Republic),
- SJC "Proxima" (Plant for the production of spices under the brand name "Pripravych", Novosibirsk),
- SJC "Aleph" (Dnepropetrovsk),
- JSC "All for You" (Volgograd),
- ANO "Zdravservis" (Tula),
- LLC "Pure materials" (Chernogolovka),
- Property Management Company "Title" (Rostov-on-Don),
- Commerce Financial Group "PS" (Rostov-on-Don),
- LLC "DC Plus" (Moscow),
- PKF "Atlantis-Pak" (Rostov-on-Don),
- a group of companies "World-KomVek" (Rostov-on-Don),
- LLC "Bizon 2001" (Rostov-on-Don),
- LLC "Real Estate Agency landlord" (Rostov-on-Don),
- LLC PC "Metal Profile Rostov",
- ТH "Katyusha" (Rostov-on-Don),
- LLC "Kiev Investment Group" (Kiev),
- SP Schurinova Group of companies Inc. (Omsk),
- LLC "General Satellite" (St. Petersburg),
- the IPC "ROMKOR" (Chelyabinsk),
- LLC "Dural" (Chelyabinsk),
- KF "Bolero" (Kiev),
- LLC "Concord Media" (Moscow),
- JSC "Jewelry farmstead" (St. Petersburg),
- LLC "Kaparel" (Moscow),
- LLC "Tire" (Tikhoretsk),
- LLC "Simko trading" (Moscow),
- LLC "Autotrade" (Irkutsk),
- TD "Stroyal'yans" chain stores "Builder" (Nizhny Tagil);
- "Gregory Motors" (Irkutsk);
- Trading Company "Sahamyasoprodukt" (Yakutsk),
- LLC "Thermal" (Rostov-on-Don) ,
- PE "Bobrovyj ruchej" (Minsk),
- CJSC "Core Technologies" (Moscow),
- LLC "TM-Resource" (Tyumen),
- SP Haimi V. (Yakutsk),
- JSC "Europlan" (Moscow and Rostov-on-Don),
- LLC ТH "Katyusha" (Rostov-on-Don),
- LLC "Pravoved" (Samara),
- LLC "Gallax" (Veliky Novgorod),
- real estate agency TOO "Ars-lux" (Pavlodar, Kazakhstan),
- International Trade Engineering Company, s.r.o (Prague, Czech Republic),
- The chain of stores "STROITEL" (Nizhny Tagil),
- LLC "Everything will be fine!" (Tyumen, Russia),
- etc.
- in the Bulletin "Advertising Dimension"
in the magazines - "Practical Marketing" (Moscow),
- "On the table of the director" (Moscow),
- "Art Of Sales / Sales Arts" (Kiev),
- "Boss" (Odessa),
- "Department of Management sales "(Moscow),"
- Shop Management "(Moscow),"
- Ivanovsky business "(Ivanovo),"
- Business Review "(Ulyanovsk),"
- My Empire "(Cheboksary),"
- Trade technology "(Nizhny Novgorod),"
- Small Business Time "(Kirov),
- etc.
on the site -,
- "Open business techniques and technologies" TRIZ-RI".
newsgroups - relcom.advertising.theory,
- relcom.triz
Teaching experience
- author seminars (several hundreds of them), internships, courses, lectures and consultation on management
- development of systems of motivation,
- recruitment, diagnosis,
- trading activities,
- diagnosis
- etc.
- Moscow,
- St. Petersburg,
- Riga,
- Vilnius,
- Rostov-on-Don,
- Almaty,
- Baku,
- Kiev,
- Kharkov,
- Minsk,
- Irkutsk,
- Tyumen,
- Nizhny Novgorod,
- Omsk,
- Novosibirsk,
- Yaroslavl,
- Moscow,
- Ulyanovsk,
- Dnipropetrovsk,
- Odessa,
- Novorossiysk,
- Volgograd,
- etc
Participants at the workshops/training
- MPGPT (Company of urban passenger transport) (Moscow),
- chain of shops "Semia(family)" (Moscow),
- Fund "Expertize" (Moscow),
- JSC "Holding "Wine house" (Moscow),
- LLC "Pure materials" (Chernogolovka),
- LLC "LAT Agency" (St. Petersburg),
- Company "DataArt" (St. Petersburg),
- JSC "United Social Communication" (St. Petersburg),
- LLC "Avtoadvokat" (Almaty),
- LLC "Agromashhol" (Almaty),
- "Amg" - Meeting Management Company (Almaty),
- "DELOITTE" (Baku),
- "NIKOIL BANK" (Baku),
- PFC "Digital Communication System" (Odessa),
- "Yuzhspetsmontazh" (Odessa)
- UE "Long-distance relationship" (Minsk),
- LLC "Informarket-plus" (Minsk),
- TD "De Mark" LLC (Donetsk),
- JSC "Ukrtelecom" (Donetsk)
- "Global Audit" (Kharkov),
- JSC "Stroyivest" (Kharkov),
- SC "Buryatnefteproduct" and LLC "Buryatterminal" (divisions of the company "Yukos", Ulan-Ude),
- TO SUE SEC "Tyumenstroygaz",
- JSC "Tyumenvtormet",
- "Tyumentelecom" Company "Sibavtoimpeks" (Tyumen),
- JSC "District" (Tyumen),
- JSC "TyumBIT-ACS" (Tyumen),
- "Business Network-Irkutsk",
- JSC "Baikal stock house" (Irkutsk),
- LLC "Bochkarevsky" (Novosibirsk),
- JSC "SibTehnoMash" (Novosibirsk),
- Center LLC "Charisma" (Novosibirsk),
- LLC "Ridzhet-Remarket" (Nizhnevartovsk),
- JSC Corporation "Stroyinvest" (Nizhnevartovsk) "Tomsk housing company",
- JSC "Siberian Agrarian Group" (Tomsk)
- OJSC "Samaraneftegaz",
- LLC "Samara Utepov" Company "Volzhanin" (Samara),
- LLC TTC "Soliton" (Samara),
- FGPU Northern Railway (Yaroslavl),
- ZAO "Business Press" (Yaroslavl),
- ANO "Volga Agro Center" (Yaroslavl),
- JSC "Trading Center" (Yaroslavl),
- JSC "Pronto -Yaroslavl",
- LLC "SeverTransKom" (Yaroslavl),
- "Lukoil-Perm Refinery",
- JSC "Perm Stock Company",
- LLC "Uralsvyazinform" (Perm),
- Company "Sibneft-Krasnoyarskneftprodukt" ID "Signs of the time. K" (Krasnoyarsk),
- JSC "Eneseytelekom" (Krasnoyarsk),
- hypermarket "Continent" (Omsk),
- LLC "agave" TV (Omsk),
- LLC "Farm-Partner" (Omsk),
- LEU "Complete" (Novorossiysk),
- "Novorossiyskiy morskoy torgovyy port",
- "Business Tandem-Invest" (Novokuznetsk),
- JSC "StroyServisNovokuznetsk" (Novokuznetsk),
- Company PH "All for You" (Volgograd),
- Open TV "status quo" (Volgograd),
- the group of companies "Onyx" (Rostov-on-Don),
- Ltd. "hit-FM Radio Rostov",
- TC "HDM-SOUTH" (Rostov-on-Don),
- the company "Bears" (Rostov-on-Don),
- oN "Bastion" (Rostov-on-Don),
- LLC "AySiEs South" (Rostov),
- TD "Manufacture" (Rostov-on-Don),
- LLC "Expert Realty" (Rostov-on-Don),
- LLC "Aleko-groups" (Rostov-on-Don),
- insurance group "Veterinarian" (Rostov-on-Don),
- TD "Oris" (Rostov-on -Don),
- agro-industrial company "Aston" (Rostov-on-Don)
- and many others.
"Europlan" CJSC (branches in 85 cities around the country)
Company “Proksima” SJC, Novosibirsk, Russia
SP Haimi V., Yakutsk, Russia
LLC "PRAVOVED", Samara, Russia
LLC “Real estate agency Landlord”, Rostov-on-Don
LLC “DC Plus”, Moscow
The chain of stores “STROITEL”, Nizhny Tagil, Russia
The chain of shops TD "Katyusha", Rostov-on-Don
OJSC “Energy-invest” Fund”, Irkutsk, Russia
CJSC “Jewelry selection”, Saint Petersburg
IOCA Holding Limited, “The Investment Group of Kiev”
LLC "Stroisnab-L”, Lipetsk, Russia
Company “NPKC MIZ” Ltd., Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
International Trade Engineering Company, s.r.o,
Prague, Czech Republic